Playing with Pepper

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Today was another fun day with Rory, although she sometimes makes me feel like I'm losing my mind, its days like today that make me feel normal.  One of our fun activities was playing with an old container that had peppercorns in it.  She would sign for help for me to open it, we would smell it, and then make stinky faces for it.  It was fun, and I knew she had fun because it took a whole 15 min!  
smelling the pepper

stinky pepper!

Rory's doctor's appointment is next Thursday, its officially a week away.  I hopefully will be blogging more until then and after the appointment.  CFD is so rare that there is not alot of moms out there who know some of the feelings I am currently having, I am thankful that this condition is not more popular, but at the same time wish I could communicate to another mom who knows the feelings I am having.  Guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Tomorrow daddy is leaving at 5 am so we are planning a killer workout: frequency push ups, squats, lunges, push ups, and of course abs abs abs.  We are hoping to work out for at least an hour and then clean the house before Rory gets up.  She has her Therapy appointment with the wonderful Wendy at 11:15 and then the sky is the limit.  

Thank you Aurora for being such a wonderful daughter....thank you for going easy on me today ;)

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